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2024 Lake County Fair

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Viewing records 51-100 of 510
Results last updated at: 09/19/2024 4:29 PM
Exhibitor # Exhibitor Name Entry # Description Ribbon Placing Awards County Club
Dogs / Dogs / 50413: Rally Novice
51 Jensen, Piper 222 Blue State Fair Delegate Lake K-9 Krew Dog Spin Club
50 Jachym, Matilda 226 Blue Reserve Grand Champion, State Fair Delegate Lake Millburn Clovers
52 Wentz, Naomi 229 Blue Grand Champion, State Fair Delegate Lake Millburn Clovers
8 Dasta, Anna 240 Blue State Fair Delegate Lake Chain O' Lakes
54 Blottiaux, Zander 250 Blue State Fair Delegate Lake Chain O' Lakes
56 Taylor, Sophia 256 Blue State Fair Delegate Lake Chain O' Lakes
37 Korpak, Kayla 264 Blue State Fair Delegate Lake K-9 Krew Dog Spin Club
Dogs / Dogs / Dog Care / Ages 14-19
37 Korpak, Kayla 153 Blue Grand Champion Lake K-9 Krew Dog Spin Club
51 Jensen, Piper 220 Blue Lake K-9 Krew Dog Spin Club
54 Blottiaux, Zander 251 Red Lake Chain O' Lakes
Dogs / Dogs / Dog Care / Ages 8-13
50 Jachym, Matilda 225 Blue Grand Champion Lake Millburn Clovers
52 Wentz, Naomi 230 Blue Lake Millburn Clovers
8 Dasta, Anna 239 Blue Lake Chain O' Lakes
56 Taylor, Sophia 253 Blue Reserve Grand Champion Lake Chain O' Lakes
General Projects / Aerospace / 50130: Model Rocketry
74 Ahern, John 511 Blue Lake Millburn Clovers
70 Ahern, Patrick 512 Blue Lake Millburn Clovers
General Projects / Aerospace / 50131: Aerospace Display
78 Stanley, Johnny 571 Blue Best of Show, Grand Champion, State Fair Delegate Lake Lucky Ducks
General Projects / Animal Science / 50135A: Animal Science 1-2 Years in Project
49 Fox, Taliah 210 Blue Lake Country Bumpkins
76 Borders, Katherine (Kate) 566 Blue Best of Show, Grand Champion, State Fair Delegate Lake Glenview Clovers
General Projects / Animal Science / 50135B: Animal Science 3 or more years in Project
47 Ahern, Tegan 196 Blue Best of Show, Grand Champion, State Fair Delegate Lake Country Bumpkins
48 Ahern, Ashlyn 204 Blue Reserve Grand Champion, State Fair Alternate Lake Country Bumpkins
General Projects / Child Development / 50141: Child Development
21 Bycraft, Lindsey 86 Blue Reserve Grand Champion Lake Glenview Clovers
97 Christner, Clara 646 Blue Grand Champion Lake Millburn Clovers
General Projects / Electricity / 50177: Electricity 1
40 Buerstatte, Andrew 169 Blue Grand Champion Lake Lucky Ducks
6 Hoffmann, Joseph 423 Blue Lake Lucky Ducks
4 Hoffmann, William 710 Blue Lake
General Projects / Electricity / 50179: Electricity 3
55 Dasta, Olivia 255 Blue Best of Show, Grand Champion, State Fair Delegate Lake Chain O' Lakes
General Projects / Entomology / 50183: Entomology 1
72 Ahern, Bernadette 509 Blue Grand Champion, State Fair Delegate Lake Millburn Clovers
General Projects / Entomology-Beekeeping / 50188: Beekeeping 1
27 Breaker, Henry 112 Blue Lake Glenview Clovers
35 Schirmer, Lillian 149 Blue Lake Glenview Clovers
44 Roderick, Mollie 185 Blue Reserve Grand Champion, State Fair Alternate Lake Glenview Clovers
45 Tranas, Dean 189 Blue Lake Glenview Clovers
38 Pollina, Lily 217 Blue Best of Show, Grand Champion, State Fair Delegate Lake Glenview Clovers
52 Wentz, Naomi 235 Blue Lake Millburn Clovers
59 Weadick, Justin 416 Blue Lake
50 Jachym, Matilda 671 Blue Lake Millburn Clovers
General Projects / Entomology-Beekeeping / 50189: Beekeeping 2
24 Conroy, Cam 99 Blue Reserve Grand Champion Lake Glenview Clovers
30 Caporusso Hartman, Samantha 128 Blue Grand Champion, State Fair Alternate Lake Glenview Clovers
General Projects / Entomology-Beekeeping / 50190: Beekeeping 3
79 Graham, Nora 581 Blue Grand Champion, State Fair Delegate Lake Glenview Clovers
General Projects / Exploratory / collectibles / Collectibles
78 Stanley, Johnny 572 Blue Lake Lucky Ducks
General Projects / Family Heritage / 50197: Family Heritage
86 pestrue, Marguarette 619 Blue Grand Champion, State Fair Delegate Lake Glenview Clovers
General Projects / Foods and Nutrition / 50200A: 4-H Cooking 101 Cereal Bars
49 Fox, Taliah 216 Blue Lake Country Bumpkins
General Projects / Foods and Nutrition / 50200B: 4-H Cooking 101 Coffee Cake
81 Decker, Samantha 596 Blue Lake Millburn Clovers
General Projects / Foods and Nutrition / 50200C: 4-H Cooking 101 Cookies
16 Popowitch, Lucy 486 Blue Reserve Grand Champion, State Fair Alternate Lake Lucky Ducks
56 Taylor, Sophia 622 Blue Grand Champion, State Fair Delegate Lake Chain O' Lakes
General Projects / Foods and Nutrition / 50201A: 4-H Cooking 201 Biscuits
25 Donnersberger, Mae 106 Blue Reserve Grand Champion, State Fair Alternate Lake Glenview Clovers
General Projects / Foods and Nutrition / 50201B: 4-H Cooking 201 Scones
39 Pollina, Penny 238 Blue Lake Glenview Clovers
77 Borders, Vera 570 Blue Grand Champion, State Fair Delegate Lake Glenview Clovers
General Projects / Foods and Nutrition / 50201C: 4-H Cooking 201 Nut Bread
6 Hoffmann, Joseph 425 Blue Lake Lucky Ducks
97 Christner, Clara 644 Blue Lake Millburn Clovers